Welcome to Anderswelt-Import founded in 1996
Products that open up other worlds.
Import Wholesale of:
Art craft, fantasy, lifestyle, gift items, esotericism, import-export.
(Sale only to the authorized trade with commercial proof)
So that you can see our prices, you have to register as a new customer in our shop system.
After receiving a copy of your business registration, we will activate you as a dealer for our shop.
Important note!
Insofar as statements about individual goods are used in this shop that indicate certain effects of the products, it is expressly made clear that these statements do not indicate any effects in the scientifically secured sense. These are references to the use of the products in the traditional, handed-down sense.
Insofar as statements about individual goods are used in this shop that indicate certain effects of the products, it is expressly made clear that these statements do not indicate any effects in the scientifically secured sense. These are references to the use of the products in the traditional, handed-down sense.