We have 30 craftsmen constantly on order
based on friendship and fair trade,
which enables us to offer active development assistance.
We produce special wood carvings in Asia in the field
Middle ages and esotericism are sold with much success.
Wood: The authority Perum Perhutani whose seal Indonesian Legal Wood
guarantees socially economic plantations origin.
Moreover, Perum Perhutani rigorously prosecutes any trade in illegally harvested timber
and severely punished, the seal has Indonesian Legal Wood
a high value and credibility among the various wood certificates.
FSC certificate confirming the origin of a sustainable economy:
Sucofindo Certificate No. VLK 00460
FLEGT licensing system (legal plantations wood)
V-Legal- FLEGT License number 17.01027-00025.018-ID-DE / LVLK-018-IDN
Wood species Info Blog Link:
We receive our electricity for business and private purposes from Green Planet Energy.
Ecologically is also more important to us in this area than cheap.
We also want this planet to have a liveable life for our children.
and lovable home offers. That's why we are determined opponents
a ruthless exploitation of nature,
because our descendants will have to pay the price for everything.
Green Planet Energy
0% Kohle, 0% Atomkraft, 100% Überzeugung Link:

We have 30 craftsmen constantly on order
based on friendship and fair trade,
which enables us to offer active development assistance.
We produce special wood carvings in Asia in the field
Middle ages and esotericism are sold with much success.
Wood: The authority Perum Perhutani whose seal Indonesian Legal Wood
guarantees socially economic plantations origin.
Moreover, Perum Perhutani rigorously prosecutes any trade in illegally harvested timber
and severely punished, the seal has Indonesian Legal Wood
a high value and credibility among the various wood certificates.
FSC certificate confirming the origin of a sustainable economy:
Sucofindo Certificate No. VLK 00460
FLEGT licensing system (legal plantations wood)
V-Legal- FLEGT License number 17.01027-00025.018-ID-DE / LVLK-018-IDN
Wood species Info Blog Link:
We receive our electricity for business and private purposes from Green Planet Energy.
Ecologically is also more important to us in this area than cheap.
We also want this planet to have a liveable life for our children.
and lovable home offers. That's why we are determined opponents
a ruthless exploitation of nature,
because our descendants will have to pay the price for everything.
Green Planet Energy
0% Kohle, 0% Atomkraft, 100% Überzeugung Link: