Blog Anderswelt-Import
RSS2 Feed subscribe ATOM Feed subscribeFinally available again and new articles
16.07.2024 13:50 0 Comments
Our new delivery of daggers / athames has finally arrived in our warehouse, which means that our Wicca athame is now available again.
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Newly available in our shop
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New delivery of candles arrived
10.06.2024 13:24 0 Comments
Our new delivery of candles has finally arrived, which means that all glass candles and figurine candles are back in stock and therefore available.
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Some Anna Riva oils available again
15.02.2024 13:00 0 Comments
The following Anna Riva oils are finally available again.
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Witches Cauldron, Black mirror
03.01.2024 16:05
Wrote by Magic of Brighid
Witch's cauldron, Chaudron de Sorcière, Calderone da Strega, Caldero de Bruja.
Witches Black mirror, Sorciere Miroir noir, Strega Specchio nero, Brujera Espejo negro
New 4012 Incense burner witch's cauldron, ceramic
Ceramic incense burner in the shape of a witch's cauldron with three legs
Dimensions: diameter 8 cm, 9 cm high.
New 5399 Black mirror small, with pouch
Black mirror small, with bag
The black mirror is a very old tool for divination or exploring the inner planes. One concentrates on the black surface until the visions appear.
Dimensions: 10 cm Ø
Millionaire Oil Anna Riva, 3709 Magic of Brighid natural oils
25.10.2023 16:36 0 Comments
Millionaire Oil Anna Riva, 3709 Magic of Brighid natural oils
New from our development laboratory:
More Magic of Brighid natural essential magical oils to follow.
Made from original old Voodoo recipes from Cuba and New Orleans, U.S.A. as a natural replacement for Anna Riva oils from the USA.
The following new Brighid oils are now available.
3701 All Purpose Essential Oil Magic of Brighid New
All Purpose, enhances the atmosphere and enhances any magic.
It is used to fulfill all kinds of desires.
3702 Bend Over Essential Oil Magic of Brighid New
Used to break hexes, and to command evil spirits, return to their sender.
Considered extremely powerful.
3703 Black Cat Essential Oil Magic of Brighid New
Makes the opposite sex desire you strongly.
Also used for breaking evil spells and unwitching, or to achieve happiness and prosperity.
3704 Cleopatra Essential Oil Magic of Brighid New
Cleopatra is a particularly popular scent among voodoo practitioners and can be used in a love spell.
You can anoint a pink candle, to strengthen the relationship between lovers and to improve. But also to attract a secretly desired stranger.
3705 Fast Money Essential Oil Magic of Brighid New
Anoint a green candle or rub it on your hands to receive money.
Also, anoint the money before you spend it so that it comes back.
3706 Goddess Essential Oil Magic of Brighid New
for women who want to be treated like royalty, and who want more respect and admiration.
Carry the oil when you meet strangers, to leave a special impression.
3707 High John Essential Oil Magic of Brighid New
A very effective means of gaining wealth, prestige, Attract love and health.
Use liberally when change is desired.
Works pretty quickly. One of the best oils for good work.
3708 Job Essential Oil Magic of Brighid l New
A personal anointing oil or a ritual anointing oil, which serves to speed up the job search process
and to ensure its success.
3709 Millionaire Essential Oil Magic of Brighid New
If you want to become a millionaire and are also ready If you do something about it, this oil can support you and make sure to attract tons of money.
More about this topic
Attractive attraction magic Powder, Spell Powder Attraction Magic of Brighid.
06.09.2023 09:27 0 Comments
Attractive attraction magic Powder, Spell Powder Attraction Magic of Brighid.
Use of Spell powder
You can use the powders in different ways.
Scattering Spell powder is the most common way
to do witchcraft.
The absolute best way to sprinkle Spell powder is,
while walking backwards.
This approach is also very suitable
to sprinkle the path to be enchanted.
You can find them in your home at the front door
and scatter at Fernstern, respectively
set up bowls filled with it.
Or you sprinkle Spell powder in your mop water,
that you use to clean
to distribute the spell in the appropriate room.
For each application, visualize the reason for use
and focus on your Spell.
They are also used to clean altars, tools and houses,
Charge amulets and talismans.
Also spread it over personal belongings,
that have a connection to your Spellal work.
It is very popular to pollinate the clothes
or a pinch of Spell powder in your suitcase, in your purse,
in your own shoes
or to scatter to the desired person.
You can sprinkle body parts with it,
or blow them in a particular direction.
Blowing Spell powder is a very effective way
to spread the Spell powder
just by blowing a little there,
where you want to achieve the desired action.
This is done by taking a small amount of the powder
on the palm of your hand, or on a platter.
Then the Spell powder towards a person,
or blow a certain position.
If you've already blown the powder from your hand,
you can also touch the person with it
on whom the spell is supposed to work.
But be careful not to get it in your eyes
or lands on mucous membranes,
because some powders contain peppers,
or other lovely spices.
Carrying Spell powder is beneficial
because that's how you're able to do it all day long
to send the spell to the target person.
A small sack made of natural fabric
is great for carrying Spell powder,
and of course Spell powders are also an important ingredient
from Mojo Bags and Witch Flasks.
But it's not enough for witch bottles
put it somewhere and wait for the Spell to be fulfilled.
Pick it up whenever you have time
and meditate on your desired outcome.
Also, for example, a candle anointed with oil,
which is rolled in Spell powder,
support the Spellal work in rituals.
However, do not limit yourself to candles,
because many people achieve success,
by sprinkling cash powders on lottery tickets
or legal papers with one of the accompanying Spell powders.
Another popular approach is to
the desire to write on parchment paper,
then sprinkle some Spell powder and fold it up.
As you can see, the application of the Spell powder is very versatile.
Just try it.
1410b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Attraction
1410g Witch bottle with cork 10g
Used to arouse the passions of the opposite sex.
Also brings luck and is especially good for gaining financial benefits.
Used for money, better business, luck, love
and attract good things in life. Bag of 10g
1411b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Banishing
1411g Witch bottle with cork 10g
Blocks evil thoughts and intentions,
sent to you and returns them to the sender.
Removes curses, hexes, and reversal spells.
Likewise, it helps bad habits, negative situations
and banish people from your life. Bag of 10güten-mit-10g.html
1412b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Black Devil
1412g Witch bottle with cork 10g
is used to a married
or to keep people who are tied up from cheating.
It should be sprinkled in shoes or on clothing.
With unfaithful lovers it stops infidelity,
and forces those you love to return. Bag of 10güte-mit-10g.html
1413b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Evil Be Gone
1413g Witch bottle with cork 10g
Scatter it when dehexing yourself or someone else.
One of the best curse breakers. Bag of 10güten-mit-10g.html
1414b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Fiery Wall of Protection
1414g Witch bottle with cork 10g
It helps protect the user from magical attacks
or to protect against unexpected kickbacks.
Stops anyone from putting an evil curse on you.
Scatter in a room to ward off curses.
Scatter on all windows and doors. Bag of 10güten-mit-10g.html
1415b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Get Away
1415g Witch bottle with cork 10g
Scares away unwanted people.
Sprinkle it in the path of people you don't want to bother you anymore.
Or sprinkle it on the windowsill and front doorstep. Bag of 10güten-mit-10g.html
1416b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Healing
1416g Witch bottle with cork 10g
To mobilize the self-healing powers
and thereby also to support healing during visualization. Bag of 10güten-mit-10g.html
1417b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Hex Breaking
1417g Witch bottle with cork 10g
Scatter it on your head at the full moon,
to prevent hexes or to send them back there,
where they come from. Burn a suitable dehexing incense,
while you focus on your desire.
Also light a white candle
anointed with a protective, de-hexing oil. Bag of 10güten-mit-10g.html
1418b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder House Blessing
1418g Witch bottle with cork 10g
Brings luck and blessings where scattered.
Scatter the powder in every corner of every room, on every window
and to the front door.
That's how luck attracts it
and protects the residents from all evil. Bag of 10güten-mit-10g.html
1419b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Love Drawing
1419g Witch bottle with cork 10g
Love powder, which has a supportive effect in the search for love.
It is designed to attract, heal, reawaken and amplify love.
Both in self-love and in your relationship. Bag of 10güten-mit-10g.html
1420b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Luck
1420g Witch bottle with cork 10g
Scatter this powder in your living area, or on yourself,
to bring about a positive change,
and remove all negative energies. Bag of 10güte-mit-10g.html
1421b Magic of Brighid Spell Powder Money Drawing
1421g Witch bottle with cork 10g
It is used to increase income,
and to attract money from expected as well as unexpected sources
1422b Brighid's Magic Powder Prosperity Magic
1422g Witch bottle with cork 10g
(Magic Dust Prosperity)
(Prosperity, Prosperity, Prosperity)
Contributes to abundance, prosperity,
New career opportunities
and to deliver overall success.
Rub your hands, sprinkle the rooms,
Or a green candle greased with Money Drawing oil
Wält and light in the dust. 10 g bag
1423b Protection from the magic dust of Brighid's magic
1423g Witch bottle with cork 10g
(Magic Dust Protection)
(Protection, Protection, Protection)
It can be used for individual protection
Describing a circle from it
And get inside.
Visualize a protective wall,
that arises around you
and feel how warm you are,
protective hug
the strength of the herbs is bathed.
You can always perform this ritual
if you need intensive protection. 10 g bag
1424b Magic of Brighid magic dust success
1424g Witch bottle with cork 10g
(Magic dust of success)
(Succès, Success, Exito)
Helps to succeed in all activities
And to achieve the set objectives.
Also to support the search for an apartment,
Job search, including an interview. 10 g bag
1425b Brighid Uncrossing Magic Powder
1425g Witch bottle with cork 10g
(Uncrossing new ways of magic dust)
(Dispel Confusion, Clarify Confusion, Discuss)
Use Uncrossing powder to perform each curse
Or evil magic from home
or remove in business,
And to protect yourself from harmful powers.
Removes negative vibrations
And it brings calm and balance. 10 g bag
Many visitors to this page asked about shops,
who sell the products from -Magic of Brighid-.
Here are a few links:
Esoteric dealer list from otherworld (Anderswelt)
New Page Distributors Link:
EN-Witchcraft Spell Powder Attraction, Magic of Brighid, Video.
Witchtok Voodoo, Elegua New Moon Ritual, Voodoo Spell Powder Attraction,
Magic of Brighid Natural
❤️Odysee Videos Magic of Brighid1
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Celtic Wheel of the Year Rituals Wiccan Witch Tok PDF Info
19.05.2023 16:29
Wrote by Brighid
Celtic Wheel of the Year Rituals Wiccan Witch Tok PDF Info
EN-Celtic Wheel of the Year Rituals Wiccan PDF Info Link:
EN-Free WitchTok Brighid Love spell Video Tutorial
Brighid Video Instruction PDF Info Link:
FR-Roue celtique de l'année Rituels Wiccan PDF Info Lien : Link:
FR-Tutoriel vidéo gratuit sur le sort WitchTok
Brighid Love Brighid Video Instruction PDF Info Link:
IT-Rituali della ruota celtica dell'anno Wiccan Link informativo PDF: Link:
IT-WitchTok Brighid Love incantesimo Video Tutorial
Brighid Video Istruzioni PDF Info Link:
ES-Rueda celta del año Rituales Wicca Información en PDF Enlace: Link:
ES-WitchTok Brighid Hechizo de amor Video Tutorial Gratis Instrucción en video
de Brighid Enlace de información en PDF: Link:
New shipment from Indonesia arrived
11.05.2023 11:04 0 Comments
Our new shipment from Indonesia finally arrived, so some items that were sold out are available again.
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World peace ritual
02.10.2022 14:01 0 Comments
World peace ritual
Every person has a spiritual power,
and can thereby contribute a part to the creation of a peaceful world for humanity.
If more people celebrate a ritual at the same time, in the same way, at a certain time,
the success will be even greater.
As the time zones move, so does the energy go around the world.
That is why we do the ritual one day before the full moon at 10 pm.
Put 9 drops of 3758 Magic of Brighid Peace oil in the full moon candle 8098, and light it.
Then place your folded hands directly on your heart chakra.
The outer edges of the thumbs touch the sternum.
Now say the following:
"Mother Moon, on this night of the full moon,
I wish to send your powerful energy along with my love and compassion for people in need,
with your running around the entire earth.
May peace flow into the hearts and souls of people everywhere your light
illuminates the darkness of the night.
May all people on our earth be happy and free!
Peace upon the world!"
Now close your eyes and imagine light and love flowing into you through the moonlight.
Imagine this light energy like golden honey flowing through your crown chakra
to your feet and filling your whole body with harmony and peace.
Now you are ready to pass this on to all people.
When you are done with your meditation,
open your eyes and finish the ritual with the words:
At the end of the ritual, I ask the spiritual world to be protected and guided.
May all people who meet me and have contact with me in any way be filled with inner peace and love.
I thank you for your assistance.
So be it, so be it, so be it!
© Copyright by Brighid
Welcome witches sisters Greetings.
First World Peace Ritual Time is full moon on Saturday,
October 8th, 2022 at 10:00 p.m
and on Sunday 09.10.2022
World peace ritual Witchcraft today,Video
On this page you will find lunar calendars
German, English, French, Italian and Spanish
The 13 full moon baby witch tips Link:
Blog EN: The 13 witches Full Moons and their counterparts
More about this topic
Anna Riva Incense Stick Europe
22.05.2022 11:31 0 Comments
Anna Riva Incense Stick Europe
We have freshly produced Anna Riva Incense Stick
Rods in stock.
1060 Anna Riva's Incense Sticks - Attraction
increase the personal charisma.
Each flat pack contains 20 incense sticks
GTIN (EAN)= 4250684510609
1061 Anna Riva's Incense Sticks Fast Luck
for luck and material prosperity.
Each flat pack contains 20 incense sticks
GTIN (EAN)= 4250684510616
1062 Anna Riva's Incense Sticks Helping Hand
in order to get divine help of every kind.
Each flat pack contains 20 incense sticks
GTIN (EAN)= 4250684510623
1063 Anna Riva's Incense Sticks Jinx Removing,
helps you to break existing hexes and curses.
Each flat pack contains 20 incense sticks
GTIN (EAN)= 4250684510630
to enliven the sexual passion in the relationship again.
20 incense sticks in the flat-packet
GTIN (EAN)= 4250684510647
1065 Anna Riva's Incense Sticks Money Drawing
attracts the money energy.
Each flat pack contains 20 incense sticks
GTIN (EAN)= 4250684510654
to create a peaceful atmosphere.
Each flat pack contains 20 incense sticks
GTIN (EAN)= 4250684510661
1067 Anna Riva's Incense Sticks Protection,
protects from curses and hexes
Each flat pack contains 20 incense sticks
GTIN (EAN)= 4250684510678

.. More about this topic
Blog Anderswelt-Import